Neo Turquoise Dragon

Level 19  gemstone type blue type green type
Round 28

show info


Alpha Dark Onedark type champion type black type red type1045%
Amazonchampion type red type1045%
Angelfirechampion type1045%
Anno Herochampion type black type yellow type1045%
Aquarknightchampion type tropic type1045%
Avengingchampion type1045%
Barbarianchampion type1045%
Battlecasterchampion type1045%
Battlemagearcane type champion type1045%
Battlesteedchampion type1045%
Berserkerchampion type1045%
Birthstonegemstone type yellow type1045%
Black Jackalegypt type champion type black type1045%
Black Knightchampion type1045%
Bladewingchampion type1045%
Bright Diamonddiamond type gemstone type1045%
Bronzetalonchampion type1045%
Bulwarkroyal type champion type yellow type1045%
Centurionchampion type1045%
Chakradiamond type gemstone type1045%
Chariotchampion type1045%
Congoworld type champion type1045%
Coolblazedino type purple type yellow type1045%
Corrupt Stalwartdark type champion type1045%
Daywingchampion type yellow type red type1045%
Defenderfairytale type champion type red type1045%
Dualovechampion type valentine type1045%
Duelerchampion type1045%
Dynastychampion type1045%
Emerald Knightchampion type1045%
Gilded Knightchampion type1045%
Glasswingchampion type rainbow type1045%
Guardianchampion type1045%
Guardian Angelchampion type1045%
Herculeanolympus type champion type yellow type1045%
Highlandchampion type1045%
Hopliteolympus type champion type red type1045%
Immortalchampion type1045%
Inquisitorchampion type1045%
Lu Buchampion type mythic type black type1045%
Lunar Herochampion type world type red type1045%
Lustrousgemstone type beast type yellow type1045%
Mithrilchampion type metal type1045%
Neo Glasswingchampion type rainbow type1045%
Neo Valiantchampion type diamond type rainbow type1045%
Ninjachampion type1045%
Odysseymythic type champion type white type1045%
Omega Light Motherchampion type diamond type white type yellow type1045%
Paladinchampion type1045%
Prize Fighterchampion type1045%
Rainbow Sentinelchampion type rainbow type1045%
Razorbackchampion type1045%
Roguechampion type1045%
Rose Knightchampion type1045%
Sentinelchampion type1045%
Shamanchampion type1045%
Skeletal Knightchampion type1045%
Sky Knightchampion type1045%
Spartanchampion type1045%
Spirit Warriorchampion type1045%
Stalwartchampion type1045%
Steelflarechampion type1045%
Strengthchampion type tarot type1045%
Supremegemstone type rainbow type black type1045%
Templarchampion type1045%
The Dark Onedark type champion type black type red type1045%
Thunder Topazgemstone type elemental type yellow type1045%
Tiger's Eyegemstone type black type yellow type1045%
Topazgemstone type yellow type1045%
Tribalchampion type yellow type1045%
Valiantchampion type diamond type1045%
Valkyriechampion type1045%
Voguedino type yellow type1045%
Wardenchampion type1045%
Wardrumchampion type black type1045%
Warriorfairytale type champion type red type1045%
Warrior Kingchampion type1045%
Warrior Princechampion type1045%
Warrior Princesschampion type1045%
Warrior Queenchampion type1045%
Alexandritegemstone type fey type purple type1035%
Alpenglowelemental type rainbow type yellow type1035%
Amethystgemstone type purple type1035%
Awardmetal type yellow type red type1035%
Baalmythic type purple type yellow type1035%
Black Pearlgemstone type black type1035%
Blackstarrainbow type cosmic type yellow type1035%
Brightbowrainbow type yellow type1035%
Cerberusmythic type black type yellow type1035%
Cherishdino type red type1035%
Croconileegypt type champion type blue type1035%
Crusadefairytale type champion type blue type1035%
Dark Amethystgemstone type purple type1035%
Dark Crystalgemstone type purple type1035%
Diamond Prismrainbow type diamond type1035%
Dinodino type1035%
Direshelldino type purple type red type1035%
Ember Rubygemstone type elemental type red type1035%
Featheredrainbow type yellow type1035%
Fiercedino type purple type1035%
Fire Garnetgemstone type elemental type red type1035%
Floral Herochampion type flower type white type1035%
Gadgetmetal type yellow type1035%
Garnetgemstone type red type1035%
Gemstonegemstone type1035%
Germanysoccer type yellow type1035%
Glamourrainbow type yellow type purple type1035%
Glimmerrainbow type diamond type1035%
Golddiamond type yellow type1035%
Goldenmetal type yellow type1035%
Grand Gemstonegemstone type yellow type1035%
Greekmythic type black type yellow type1035%
Harmony Knightchampion type green type1035%
Heliosmythic type diamond type1035%
Hidden Gemgemstone type black type purple type1035%
Honorchampion type blue type1035%
Huntresschampion type blue type1035%
Impartialrainbow type yellow type purple type1035%
Light Motherchampion type white type blue type yellow type1035%
Littlerootdino type red type1035%
Lollipoprainbow type purple type yellow type1035%
Moonrisecosmic type champion type white type1035%
Nebula Opalgemstone type cosmic type black type1035%
Neo Supremegemstone type rainbow type white type1035%
Neo Tinselholiday type metal type yellow type1035%
Oathroyal type champion type blue type1035%
Odinmythic type black type yellow type1035%
Old Knightroyal type champion type white type1035%
Onyxgemstone type black type1035%
Pandoramythic type purple type yellow type1035%
Playtimerainbow type yellow type1035%
Plunderchampion type world type white type1035%
Pot of Goldrainbow type black type yellow type1035%
Preciouselemental type gemstone type purple type1035%
Pterodactyldino type1035%
Rainbow Kingrainbow type royal type diamond type1035%
Rainbow Queenrainbow type royal type diamond type1035%
Redcrackrainbow type red type yellow type1035%
Rexdino type1035%
Rippledino type black type1035%
Rubygemstone type red type1035%
Seraphdino type blue type yellow type1035%
Shiftegypt type rainbow type yellow type1035%
Snarldino type red type1035%
Steampunkmetal type yellow type1035%
Stormie Herochampion type blue type1035%
Thunderlordmythic type elemental type yellow type1035%
Towertarot type champion type green type1035%
Triceratopsdino type1035%
Umber Onyxgemstone type black type1035%
Unrulyroyal type champion type blue type1035%
Variegatedrainbow type yellow type purple type1035%
Warmshaderainbow type yellow type red type1035%
Wholenessrainbow type black type yellow type1035%
Worldtarot type champion type blue type1035%
Wukongmythic type red type yellow type1035%
Achillesolympus type diamond type1025%
Aegisolympus type red type yellow type1025%
Aerialistrainbow type red type1025%
Afterglowshine type purple type yellow type1025%
Allsortrainbow type black type1025%
Amberblack type yellow type red type1025%
Amourshinevalentine type yellow type1025%
Amphorablack type yellow type red type1025%
Anubisdiamond type purple type1025%
Anxiouspurple type yellow type1025%
Arcanepurple type yellow type1025%
Arch Metalmetal type black type red type1025%
Aresolympus type yellow type1025%
Ashfeatherarcane type yellow type red type1025%
Asteralesflower type yellow type1025%
Asterismdark type yellow type1025%
Astromancerzodiac type diamond type1025%
Athenaolympus type yellow type1025%
Atlasmythic type1025%
Auld Langholiday type black type yellow type1025%
Awakeningworld type yellow type red type1025%
Bashfulrainbow type purple type red type1025%
Bastetegypt type black type yellow type1025%
Batblack type yellow type1025%
Behemothpurple type yellow type1025%
Belowblack type purple type yellow type1025%
Bengalyellow type red type1025%
Black Catblack type purple type yellow type1025%
Black Diamondblack type diamond type1025%
Blacksmithmetal type red type1025%
Bloomflower type red type yellow type1025%
Boldvalentine type yellow type1025%
Bonfireblack type yellow type1025%
Boundspooky type yellow type1025%
Bountifulyellow type red type1025%
Bravearcane type red type yellow type1025%
Brazilsoccer type yellow type green type1025%
Bright Geminizodiac type shine type yellow type1025%
Bright Tauruszodiac type shine type yellow type1025%
Brightlovevalentine type shine type yellow type1025%
Brightskyfairytale type yellow type1025%
Bronzemetal type red type1025%
Brushstrokerainbow type yellow type green type1025%
Butterdreampurple type yellow type1025%
Butterflyyellow type red type1025%
Buzzingworld type yellow type black type1025%
Camelopardaliscosmic type black type yellow type1025%
Camelotyellow type red type1025%
Candlespooky type yellow type1025%
Candy Hoardpurple type yellow type1025%
Candy Stackspooky type yellow type1025%
Carnationflower type yellow type red type1025%
Celebrationrainbow type red type1025%
Censerspooky type yellow type1025%
Cheloniantropic type red type yellow type1025%
Cherubicvalentine type yellow type1025%
Chimerapurple type yellow type1025%
Chromemetal type blue type yellow type1025%
Chrysanthemumflower type rainbow type black type1025%
Cinnamonyellow type red type1025%
Cinnawarmyellow type red type1025%
Clericchampion type white type blue type1025%
Clockworkyellow type red type1025%
Coatlmythic type tropic type red type1025%
Cobrayellow type red type1025%
Cometyellow type red type1025%
Compassionarcane type red type yellow type1025%
Corgiyellow type red type1025%
Coruscaterainbow type yellow type pink type1025%
Crown Jewelroyal type diamond type1025%
Crownprinceroyal type yellow type1025%
Crusaderdiamond type red type1025%
Crystalgemstone type purple type blue type1025%
Crystal Charmvalentine type gemstone type blue type1025%
Cuddlefairytale type rainbow type1025%
Cursed Idolmetal type yellow type green type1025%
Dark Angeldiamond type black type1025%
Dark Chromadark type rainbow type black type1025%
Darksteelmetal type black type1025%
Dawnstripeflower type red type yellow type1025%
Dazzlestarfairytale type rainbow type1025%
Diamonddiamond type1025%
Diamond Horndiamond type black type1025%
Double-Dyerainbow type black type1025%
Downfey type black type yellow type1025%
Draculayellow type red type1025%
Dread Captainchampion type pink type blue type1025%
Dreamcatcherpurple type yellow type1025%
Dusk Unicornblack type yellow type1025%
Duskhopperdark type black type yellow type1025%
Duskshinespooky type black type yellow type1025%
Dusky Loryyellow type red type1025%
Eagleyellow type red type1025%
Earthquakeblack type yellow type red type1025%
Easteryellow type red type1025%
Elite Championchampion type white type blue type1025%
Elite Darkdark type yellow type1025%
Elite Olympusolympus type yellow type1025%
Emberblack type yellow type red type1025%
Emberglowblack type yellow type1025%
Emeraldgemstone type green type1025%
Emotionvalentine type black type yellow type1025%
Emotiverainbow type black type purple type1025%
Englandsoccer type red type1025%
Enrapturedvalentine type rainbow type1025%
Equuleuscosmic type red type yellow type1025%
Evanescentbeast type rainbow type black type1025%
Eventiderainbow type red type purple type1025%
Evocationworld type yellow type1025%
Fancifulrainbow type black type1025%
Farsightcosmic type yellow type1025%
Featherdancedino type black type1025%
Fieryrainbow type elemental type red type1025%
Fire Giantyellow type red type1025%
Fire Lilyflower type purple type yellow type1025%
Fireflashyellow type red type1025%
Firefloweryellow type red type1025%
Fireflyyellow type red type1025%
Firemaneyellow type red type1025%
Flavusflower type yellow type1025%
Flawlessvalentine type gemstone type pink type1025%
Folkloricoflower type fey type rainbow type1025%
Forgefathermetal type black type red type1025%
Fortunepurple type yellow type red type1025%
Fowluckworld type yellow type1025%
Foxgloveflower type purple type yellow type1025%
Fragranceflower type yellow type red type1025%
Freshflower type yellow type1025%
Freyamythic type white type yellow type1025%
Frillyrainbow type yellow type1025%
Frost Sapphiregemstone type elemental type blue type1025%
Furylordroyal type yellow type1025%
Gamutrainbow type red type black type1025%
Geltholiday type yellow type1025%
Gentle Knightchampion type pink type white type1025%
Ghoulspooky type black type yellow type1025%
Gift Bowholiday type yellow type red type1025%
Giftstreamholiday type yellow type1025%
Gilgameshmythic type blue type yellow type1025%
Gladiatoryellow type red type1025%
Glittersparkarcane type yellow type1025%
Glitterstarholiday type yellow type1025%
Goldbloomvalentine type red type yellow type1025%
Golden Faerieholiday type yellow type1025%
Goldvineholiday type yellow type1025%
Gossamerdiamond type purple type1025%
Gracefulrainbow type purple type1025%
Grand Rainbowrainbow type black type1025%
Grumblesnorearcane type purple type yellow type1025%
Guidancerainbow type red type1025%
Halloqueenblack type yellow type red type1025%
Harvest Moonyellow type red type1025%
Haunted Geminizodiac type spooky type yellow type1025%
Haunted Tauruszodiac type spooky type yellow type1025%
Headlesspurple type yellow type1025%
Hearthblack type yellow type red type1025%
Hippocampustropic type yellow type1025%
Hive Queenblack type yellow type1025%
Honeybeeyellow type red type1025%
Honeycombblack type yellow type1025%
Horizonpurple type yellow type red type1025%
Hostholiday type yellow type1025%
Icy Aquamarinegemstone type elemental type white type1025%
Ignitionelemental type yellow type red type1025%
Infinitydiamond type1025%
Invisiblepurple type yellow type red type1025%
Irisolympus type rainbow type1025%
Ironwaveroyal type metal type black type1025%
Jadegemstone type black type green type1025%
Joyousrainbow type purple type1025%
Jungle Queenrainbow type purple type1025%
Jupitercosmic type yellow type1025%
Kingroyal type yellow type red type1025%
Kung-Fuyellow type red type1025%
Laceleafflower type yellow type red type1025%
Lavisholiday type red type yellow type1025%
Leaderrainbow type red type1025%
Leerdino type pink type1025%
Lepuscosmic type purple type yellow type1025%
Librarianarcane type yellow type purple type1025%
Life Emeraldgemstone type elemental type green type1025%
Light Hauntspooky type yellow type red type1025%
Longguimythic type green type yellow type1025%
Lordshiproyal type red type yellow type1025%
Lost Bonesdino type blue type red type1025%
Lost Starholiday type yellow type1025%
Lovelightyellow type red type1025%
Loverstarot type valentine type yellow type1025%
Lowglowworld type red type yellow type1025%
Loyalarcane type black type yellow type1025%
Lucky Meadowflower type yellow type1025%
Lunar Horseyellow type red type1025%
Lunar Luckblack type yellow type red type1025%
Lunar Mouseworld type red type yellow type1025%
Lunar Rainbowrainbow type purple type1025%
Lunar Roosteryellow type red type1025%
Lunar Sealworld type rainbow type purple type1025%
Magic Lampcosmic type purple type yellow type1025%
Mapleyellow type red type1025%
Marigoldflower type yellow type red type1025%
Masquerainbow type purple type1025%
Masqueradepurple type yellow type1025%
Metalmetal type1025%
Metallurgyarcane type metal type black type1025%
Mischiefpurple type yellow type1025%
Mockingspooky type black type yellow type1025%
Monster Mashspooky type black type yellow type1025%
Musicpurple type yellow type1025%
Mythicmythic type1025%
Nachesred type yellow type1025%
Nanometal type white type yellow type1025%
Naughtyholiday type yellow type red type1025%
Neo Airyellow type1025%
Neo Batspooky type purple type yellow type1025%
Neo Diamonddiamond type1025%
Neo Geminizodiac type yellow type1025%
Neo Ophiuchuszodiac type diamond type1025%
Neo Pharaohegypt type yellow type red type1025%
Neo Rainbowrainbow type1025%
Neo Sphinxegypt type yellow type1025%
Neo Tauruszodiac type yellow type1025%
Neo Yellowyellow type1025%
Night Flightcosmic type black type yellow type1025%
Nightmarepurple type yellow type red type1025%
Nightstreamspooky type yellow type1025%
Northernyellow type red type1025%
Orangetropic type yellow type1025%
Orioleblack type yellow type1025%
Ornamentyellow type red type1025%
Ornamentalholiday type red type yellow type1025%
Panoramicrainbow type black type1025%
Party Starrainbow type blue type yellow type1025%
Pearlgemstone type white type1025%
Petallicflower type yellow type1025%
Phantasmdark type black type yellow type1025%
Phantomyellow type red type1025%
Pharomagearcane type egypt type yellow type1025%
Phoenixyellow type red type1025%
Pigmentrainbow type white type yellow type1025%
Pillagerroyal type yellow type1025%
Playful New Yearworld type red type yellow type1025%
Pocusspooky type purple type yellow type1025%
Polydaisyflower type rainbow type purple type1025%
Pompousroyal type purple type yellow type1025%
Predatortropic type black type yellow type1025%
Pricklyfey type rainbow type black type1025%
Prime Arcaneblack type yellow type red type1025%
Prime Eternaldiamond type black type1025%
Prismagiftholiday type rainbow type purple type1025%
Proofedgemstone type white type1025%
Psychedelicpurple type yellow type red type1025%
Pumpkinred type yellow type1025%
Pumpkingspooky type purple type yellow type1025%
Pyramidegypt type yellow type1025%
Pyreyellow type red type1025%
Quartzgemstone type pink type1025%
Quasarcosmic type diamond type1025%
Quicksandelemental type yellow type red type1025%
Raegypt type yellow type red type1025%
Radiancediamond type shine type red type1025%
Rainbloomflower type rainbow type black type1025%
Rainbowrainbow type1025%
Rainbow Endrainbow type white type yellow type1025%
Rainbow Heartvalentine type rainbow type1025%
Rainghostspooky type rainbow type black type1025%
Rainy Dayblack type yellow type1025%
Rapunzelpurple type yellow type1025%
Refinedrainbow type purple type1025%
Refractionshine type rainbow type1025%
Revenantspooky type shine type yellow type1025%
Rhodonitegemstone type black type pink type1025%
Ridgebackdiamond type red type1025%
Rose Quartzgemstone type pink type1025%
Rose Tigereyegemstone type pink type red type1025%
Roseglassrainbow type red type1025%
Royal Specterspooky type royal type yellow type1025%
Royalwingfey type yellow type1025%
Ruckusdino type blue type1025%
Rustlingyellow type red type1025%
Samuraipurple type yellow type red type1025%
Sandstormpurple type yellow type1025%
Sapphiregemstone type blue type1025%
Sauriandino type white type1025%
Scallopedworld type purple type yellow type1025%
Scarbaddark type yellow type red type1025%
Schemeshine type yellow type1025%
Scintillatingshine type purple type yellow type1025%
Scionfey type black type yellow type1025%
Scorchblack type yellow type red type1025%
Scorpionred type yellow type1025%
Secretblack type yellow type1025%
Shadowblack type yellow type1025%
Shadow Petuniaflower type black type yellow type1025%
Sharingrainbow type blue type yellow type1025%
Sharpetalflower type purple type yellow type1025%
Shimmerblack type yellow type1025%
Shining Sandegypt type yellow type1025%
Showyworld type yellow type1025%
Shynessvalentine type yellow type1025%
Skelekingspooky type yellow type1025%
Skyfunrainbow type red type1025%
Skylordmythic type white type yellow type1025%
Skyviewworld type yellow type1025%
Sleigh Bellholiday type yellow type1025%
Slumbersoulfairytale type yellow type1025%
Snidedark type red type yellow type1025%
Snifflespurple type yellow type1025%
Solaryellow type red type1025%
Solar Crestworld type yellow type red type1025%
Solsticeholiday type yellow type1025%
Songbirdvalentine type rainbow type1025%
Sophismdark type red type yellow type1025%
Sorceresspurple type yellow type1025%
Soul Guideholiday type red type yellow type1025%
Spirit Crystalgemstone type purple type blue type1025%
Spiritedspooky type yellow type1025%
Splatterrainbow type red type1025%
Spooky Treeblack type yellow type1025%
Spring Herochampion type green type pink type1025%
Springshineflower type yellow type1025%
Stagfey type yellow type black type1025%
Startarot type cosmic type yellow type1025%
Stardustpurple type yellow type1025%
Starflightworld type yellow type black type1025%
Stellar Auroracosmic type rainbow type1025%
Sterndino type green type1025%
Stockingholiday type yellow type red type1025%
Stormshadedino type black type1025%
Strongshinechampion type stone type black type1025%
Studentarcane type black type yellow type1025%
Styxmythic type black type1025%
Summer Elfblack type yellow type1025%
Sunburstgemstone type white type1025%
Sunglowred type yellow type black type1025%
Sunlightyellow type red type1025%
Sunrayegypt type yellow type1025%
Sunsetpurple type yellow type red type1025%
Sunshowerblack type yellow type1025%
Sunstalkyellow type1025%
Supernovapurple type yellow type red type1025%
Sweet Toothrainbow type fairytale type1025%
Sweetlingspooky type yellow type1025%
Swift Windblack type yellow type1025%
Swoopdino type white type purple type1025%
Teacherblack type yellow type1025%
Tendervalentine type yellow type1025%
Thaiblack type yellow type1025%
Thormythic type yellow type blue type1025%
Thoughtfulyellow type red type1025%
Three Kingspurple type yellow type red type1025%
Thunderstrikeelemental type yellow type1025%
Tiger Lilyflower type yellow type red type1025%
Tigerflyblack type yellow type1025%
Tincturerainbow type black type1025%
Tinselpurple type yellow type red type1025%
Torchlightpurple type yellow type1025%
Toucanblack type yellow type red type1025%
Trick or Treatpurple type yellow type1025%
Tricksterpurple type yellow type1025%
Trojanmythic type black type1025%
Tropic Tiderainbow type blue type yellow type1025%
True Lovevalentine type yellow type red type1025%
Twin Starblack type yellow type1025%
Unrestraineddark type rainbow type1025%
Venomousblack type yellow type1025%
Vigordark type yellow type red type1025%
Vividfey type yellow type1025%
Voltagearcane type red type yellow type1025%
Voodoo Dollyellow type red type1025%
Warblerblack type yellow type1025%
Wave Racertropic type yellow type red type1025%
Wintergildholiday type yellow type1025%
Wintryholiday type purple type yellow type1025%
Wonderpartyrainbow type purple type1025%
Woodenyellow type red type1025%
Yuletideholiday type black type yellow type1025%
Airyellow type1015%
Apolloolympus type yellow type1015%
Cachetropic type yellow type1015%
Comprisalrainbow type yellow type pink type1015%
Daybreakrainbow type red type1015%
Dealerarcane type yellow type black type1015%
Desertegypt type yellow type1015%
Empathyvalentine type black type yellow type1015%
Fiestaflower type purple type rainbow type1015%
Firestormred type yellow type1015%
Flameelemental type red type yellow type1015%
Foomythic type yellow type blue type1015%
Generousholiday type purple type yellow type1015%
Genieyellow type purple type1015%
Gentlemanvalentine type black type yellow type1015%
Gildclawroyal type yellow type1015%
Gloriosayellow type red type1015%
Gold Pheasantyellow type red type1015%
Grand Amberholiday type yellow type1015%
Hallowindspooky type yellow type1015%
Honeymoonvalentine type yellow type red type1015%
Hootyellow type red type1015%
Juggernautfairytale type yellow type black type1015%
Luminescentshine type yellow type black type1015%
New Englandworld type yellow type red type1015%
Nokkemythic type green type yellow type1015%
Obeliskegypt type yellow type1015%
Oratorfairytale type world type yellow type1015%
Partyyellow type red type1015%
Peridotgemstone type green type1015%
Pom Pomfey type yellow type1015%
Pretty Petalflower type yellow type1015%
Prophecyarcane type purple type yellow type1015%
Pyxiscosmic type yellow type1015%
Rebornarcane type red type yellow type1015%
Roardino type pink type1015%
Sea Kingtropic type red type yellow type1015%
Seashoretropic type yellow type1015%
Skyguideholiday type yellow type1015%
Sparklerainbow type purple type1015%
Spellspinearcane type dino type green type1015%
Venuscosmic type yellow type1015%
Visuciusmythic type yellow type white type1015%
Vulpeculacosmic type yellow type red type1015%
Wealthworld type yellow type1015%
Wildbloomflower type yellow type1015%
all dragons--10%