Game News

New Dragons

Featured Dragons

Virosa4000 gold
World350 gold
Noirpetal1400 gold
Mallow200 gold
Saffron1500 gold
Tiger Lily240 gold
Dianthus1000 gold

Site News

last update: June 14, 08:04
last users' dragons update: January 07, 09:06

INFORMATION [December 16th, 2022]
I'm currently working on some changes regarding the hosting of this website again, incl. the change of some hosting contacts. The site should be mostly available but there may be some outages. Some features (eMail notifications, data sync updates) are still being transitioned and thus not working at the moment.

There we're also some other minor changes, mainly regarding security and in how content is hosted. All data is now hosted within the European Union and no content is loaded from external services. There is no tracking of any user acticity or data (except the data you explicitly provide in your account settings). There is no data processing for advertising and I don't pass any data off to third party providers (except the server being provided by my hosting provider IONOS SE). Along with some changes in the legal notes this should yield full GDPR compliance.

As for security, I've made some changes to make the site more secure. I will add more security stuff on the infrastructure level soon. Please be aware that this may cause some temporary issues once active.

Hope everyone still enjoys this site!
Feedback & suggestions are always welcome!

Best Regards,
Pasi ;)